My Top 10 Health Tips for Workers


Comment: "I need to get better at number 9. I love the idea of 7 mins of happy chatter. This is a fabulous list to keep by your desk to help you stay focused during the week".

Comment: "Don't overcomplicate it. Love this."

My health motto is ‘don’t overcomplicate it’. I apply this thinking from providing dietary and exercise advice to the wider public to recommending treatments of colds and flus for my patients, right through to assisting with corporate health strategies for global business with whom I work. So, with this in mind, here are my ten simple daily tips for optimising health, especially through the months ahead. Try it for 20 days straight and you’ll feel the incredible difference.

0 hours of television

Watching television is often the most common daily activity apart from work and sleep in many parts of the world. According to a study from Harvard School of Public Health researchers, prolonged TV viewing was associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.

1 hour of exercise

This can be in small chunks (10 minutes minimum at a time).

Huff and puff is key. Get your breathing to a point of being able to to talk but not sing (maybe don’t test this out loud!). You don’t need fancy gadgets to tell you how to exercise!

2 litres of water

Flushing toxins is key. Some people think that water “bloats” them. This is the opposite of what really happens. In fact, the toxin build-up (just from everyday living) retains water - which actually leads to that bloating feeling. Increased water is decreased toxins and improved wellbeing.

3 cups of veggies and 3 cups of green tea

(Can include one - and only one - delicious coffee). These anti-oxidants combat everyday (oxidative) stress. Simple.

4 short breaks away from your desk

These are compulsory in your work day to chill-out and switch your brain off. Try it. You’ll come back refreshed. You’ll be more productive even after a five minute walk around the block and straight back to your work.

5 small meals of nutrient-dense wholefood

Not calorie-dense food. Think about foods that just make your body feel amazing after you’ve eaten them. One of my favourite small meals is sparkling mineral water + espresso coffee + dollop of full-fat yoghurt + 6-10 almonds + strawberries + sprinkle of chia seeds.

6 am as a wake-up time

With no gadgets nearby. Why would you want to start your day being reactive to other peoples’ requests or status updates? Why not spend the first part of your day planning what YOU might do? Prioritise tasks that will make you breathe a sigh of relief when they’re done.

7 minutes of happy chatter

With a loved one, friend or colleague. Gets those endorphins zipping around your body. Overall-feel good.

8 hours of sleep

Or rest. It’s UBER-important.

9 pm switch off all gadgets

Even dim light can interfere with our circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion (Sleep!) A level of brightness exceeded by most table lamps and about twice that of a night light - has an effect. Researchers have linked short sleep to increased risk for depression, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

10pm end the day

Off to bed having had an hour to RELAX beforehand.

Dr Simone Ryan is a specialist medical doctor and CEO of TOTIUM, arguably Australia’s leading corporate health provider to Australian business. She is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of every Australian worker.

Dr Simone Ryan